Pairs trading is a market-neutral strategy that involves taking long and short positions in two historically correlated stocks, profiting from their relative movements. The idea is that the pair will revert to their historical relationship, allowing traders to profit from the price convergence.
What is Pairs Trading?
Pairs trading is a strategy that capitalizes on the historical relationship between two stocks. When one stock is performing better than its counterpart, the strategy involves shorting the outperforming stock and going long on the underperforming one, expecting that their prices will converge over time. This technique can be particularly effective in volatile markets or when individual stock movements are influenced by broader market trends.
Using Cointegration for Pairs Trading
Cointegration is a statistical method that helps identify pairs of stocks whose prices move together over time. By analyzing historical data, traders can determine if two stocks are cointegrated, meaning they have a long-term equilibrium relationship despite short-term deviations. This relationship makes them ideal candidates for pairs trading.
Best Practices for Using Cointegration in Trading
When using cointegration to identify profitable pairs for trading, consider the following best practices:
Overall Return: Look for pairs that have historically provided high returns. This indicates that the strategy has been profitable over time.
Average Return Metrics: Analyze average return metrics to ensure consistent performance. High average returns can signal a reliable trading opportunity.
Absence of Fundamental Information: Cointegration and other technical tools are most effective when there are no significant news events or earnings reports that could drive stock prices apart from general market trends. Avoid using this strategy around earnings seasons or major news releases.
Case Study: Kotak and Axis
Kotak and Axis Bank are an example of a profitable pair for pairs trading. Using our free-to-use cointegration tool, we backtested the past 4 years of data for the futures products of these two stocks. The tool evaluates whether the stocks are cointegrated and, based on the analysis, provides backtesting results to help traders make informed decisions.
Backtesting Results
We can first see how capital put into this strategy has grown over the past 4 years.
The numbers below also show why this trade is attractive.
Metric | Value |
Average Profit per Profitable Trade | INR 56685 |
Average Loss per Losing Trade | INR 41013 |
Total Trades | 38 |
Trades Expired in Profit (assuming 15 days holding period) | 15 |
Trades Expired in Loss (assuming 15 days holding period) | 6 |
Total Profitable Trades | 24 |
Total Losing Trades | 14 |
Our tool shows how capital invested in this strategy has grown over the past 4 years. The backtesting results indicate:
Cumulative Returns: The strategy has generated substantial cumulative returns over the test period.
Consistency: The average return metrics demonstrate consistent performance, making it a reliable strategy.
How Our Product Works
To use our cointegration tool, follow these simple steps:
Input Stock Symbols: Enter the symbols of the two stocks you want to analyze.
Cointegration Check: The tool will check if the stocks are cointegrated.
Backtesting: Based on the analysis, the tool provides 4 years of backtesting results, showing historical performance.
Trading Signals: If the stocks are cointegrated, the tool will indicate whether a position can be opened now based on the current market conditions.
Our product makes it easy for retail traders to harness sophisticated hedge fund techniques for pairs trading, providing a user-friendly interface and reliable analysis to maximize profitability.
Pairs trading with cointegration can be a powerful strategy for retail traders, offering a market-neutral approach to profit from the relative movements of stocks. By following best practices and using reliable tools like ours, traders can identify and capitalize on profitable trading opportunities, even in volatile markets.